Parental Child Abduction

Parental child abduction has a major impact on both the child and the parent left behind. When there is reasonable suspicion for abduction, preventive measures need to be taken. In case of child abduction, the safe return of the child must be secured immediately.

International child abduction rips children from their lives, taking them to a foreign land and alienating them from a left behind parent. Every year, there are about 400 cases of child abduction by one of the parents. Two thirds of these cases relate to actual kidnapping, the rest are preventive cases. During a first meeting, we inform our clients about the options available to them. If necessary, we can contact agencies that can provide assistance.

Every year, there are about 400 cases of child abduction by one of the parents.


International parental child abduction is when one of the parents transfers the child to another country, without the consent of the other parent, and with the intent not to bring the child back. This means that there is a distinction between international parental child abduction and a holiday abroad taken without the express consent of the other parent.


In cases of parental child abduction, proceedings have to be launched for repatriation. It is of great importance that the child regains contact as soon as possible with the parent left behind. It often happens that the parent abductor tries to alienate the child from the other parent. This can lead to parental alienation syndrome.

When there is an imminent risk of international parental child abduction, preventive measures can be taken.

In international parental child abduction, it is important that the life of the child in the homeland is not interrupted, so that their schooling and other activities are not compromised.


Keyser attorneys has a wide network of contacts who can help in finding a missing child, and his or her repatriation. If the situation permits it, we always try to negotiate an amicable settlement with both parents during repatriation.


When there is an imminent risk of international parental child abduction, preventive measures can be taken. We can bring the matter before the family court, with an application to order a ban on leaving the country with the minor.


If you have any questions about parental child abduction and international marriages, or would like a consultation with lawyers specialising in parental child abduction and international marriages, please contact our law firm in Antwerp.

We aim to relieve our clients of their concerns to the greatest extent possible, and to offer them services that exceed their expectations.

Amerikalei 187
2000 Antwerpen